Аirdrop: SldCrypto from South Korea

Аirdrop: SldCrypto (SLD)
Reward: 50 SLD ($5)
Rate: ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Remarks: Project from South Korea
Focus: Distribution on May 1

Bot Airdrop Link: airdrop page


🔹 Join on Telegram group and channel
🔹 Submit your Eth address and details.
🔹 Get 0.5 SLD tokens for each referral.
🔹 3,000 lucky people will be rewarded.

Note: SLD project cooperates with multiple blockchain companies (https://www.hankyung.com/economy/article/202101197166a)and Airdrop rewards will be distributed to your wallet address on May 1.

Additional Information:
SLD (https://sldcrypto.io/EN_home) is developing a real estate investment information sharing platform. SLD addresses the polarization of capital due to the information gap in the 21st century digital information society. Real estate is one of the assets that many people consider safe.

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